DoD Public Radio Presents: The Castle of Terror Narrator: An evil old house, the kind some people call haunted, is like a cursed treasure. Fearful souls speak of it in hushed whispers, but there are some, driven by glory or adventure or desperation, who cannot help but reach out to it with both hands. Melbourne House is such a place. If that name is unfamiliar to you, dear listener, perhaps you know it by the name given to it by the local villagers… the Castle of Terror. Jonathan Ellis and his associate Goodwin were driven by desperation. Once great leaders of industry, their fortunes had fallen of late, and hope against hope, Mr. Ellis sought to rekindle a family connection that might be their salvation. What they found, however, was something far more incredible than they could dream, and far more sinister than the things of nightmares. ELLIS: Come along, Goodwin, I think I can see the inn up ahead. GOODWIN: That’s a mercy, sir. I feared we’d lost our way. ELLIS: I may not have visited Melbourne House since my youth, but I still remember this land. Why, there’s the old mill. I wonder if my cousin Charlotte remembers when we played there as children. GOODWIN: There will be plenty of time to ask her tomorrow, sir. For now, why don’t you get us a room while I tend to the horses? ELLIS: Yes, thank you, Goodwin. INNKEEPER: Welcome to the Duck Inn, sir! Very glad you were able to… duck in! ELLIS: Ha ha, very good, and such hospitality! It is good to see some things haven’t changed. INNKEEPER: That’s strange - I remember the face of every man, woman, and child that’s crossed this threshold, but I can’t place yours. ELLIS: The name is Ellis, I am here to visit family at Melbourne House. INNKEEPER: Oh, yes, I think I remember you now, sir. Jonathan. You can’t have been more than a young boy when you last visited. ELLIS: Uh… yes. That’s right. INNKEEPER: I think you’ll find some things have changed, but not for the better. GOODWIN: Mr. Ellis… I’ve seen to the horses… is there a room? ELLIS: A good question. Are there two beds for us? INNKEEPER: There’s a room for the night, but I beg of you, sir… do not go to the Castle of Te- do not go to that house. ELLIS: Well. We thank you for the room, but our business is our own. Come along, Goodwin. INNKEEPER: Poor souls… come now, lads, let’s have some music. GOODWIN: Strange man, that innkeeper. ELLIS: A superstitious lot, all of them. How my Uncle Philip chose to take up in this backward place, I will never know. GOODWIN: That’s a bit hard, sir. ELLIS: You’re right. It must be nerves - we are coming unannounced with our hands out - I do wonder how we’ll be received. GOODWIN: We’ll learn soon enough, isn’t that it just ahead? ELLIS: Ah, yes. I remember it well. Do you see the high tower there? We used to play in there as chi- GOODWIN: Steady on! ELLIS: What in the devil has gotten into them? GOODWIN: Something must’ve spooked them. Shall I go after them? ELLIS: No, with luck, they’ll return to the inn. Besides, we are nearly - GOODWIN: Are you alright? ELLIS: It’s nothing, it’s just… a tombstone. Katherine Ellis… my aunt… one year after I saw her last. I never knew. GOODWIN: I’m so sorry, sir. If you need a minute… ELLIS: Nonsense, Goodwin, the woman has been gone for decades. Our business enterprises may be on death’s door, but shedding a tear won’t pay back our creditors. GOODWIN: Sir! ELLIS: I - I don’t know what came over me. GOODWIN: Quite alright, sir. Let’s announce ourselves. It… appears to be open. ELLIS: I suppose we should go in. Narrator: With that, the men’s fates were sealed. The innkeeper was not speaking idly when he warned them against calling on the Castle of Terror, for there had indeed been many changes in the years since Jonathan Ellis last visited Melbourne House. And the passing of his Aunt Katherine was far from the last secret he would uncover before the sun would set that day. ELLIS: Hello? Uncle Philip? Charlotte? It is Jonathan, come to visit! GOODWIN: This house is enormous, we could yell all we want and they may not hear us. ELLIS: Very true, Goodwin, we had best look around. Strange that there is no staff to greet us. GOODWIN: Judging by the state of things, it does not look like there is a staff to speak of. ELLIS: Did you hear that? I think it came from that hallway. GOODWIN: I’m not sure I heard it, sir, but I’ll follow your lead. ELLIS: This is pitch dark! GOODWIN: I can see just fine, sir. ELLIS: I don’t see how. GOODWIN: If you’re having trouble, find the wall and let that guide you. ELLIS: What’s that Goodwin? Try to keep up. GOODWIN: I’m right here, sir! I haven’t gone anywhere! ELLIS: Goodwin, this isn’t funny! GOODWIN: I’m right here, Jonathan! Right beside you! VOICE: Coming to beg, are you? ELLIS: Who said that?! GOODWIN: I did, sir! I said I’m right beside you! VOICE: Just like your father. ELLIS: My father was a great man! GOODWIN: I - I know that, sir, I worked for him many years. VOICE: You are weak ELLIS: Goodwin, I demand that you stop this game! GOODWIN: Oh, sir, I think you may be taking ill! VOICE: He’ll kill you. ELLIS: Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT! GOODWIN: Get a hold of yourself man, I am right here! ELLIS: Ah! Goodwin! GOODWIN: I am here, sir! ELLIS: I don’t know what came over me. GOODWIN: Let’s find you a place to sit. ELLIS: I still can’t see a blasted thing in this place. GOODWIN: Here - I found a candle. There, that’s better, isn’t it? Look, we’ve found the kitchen. ELLIS: Good lord, that stench… GOODWIN: Safe to say there hasn’t been a staff here in some time. ELLIS: How could anyone live like this? GOODWIN: Drink can make a man overlook a great many things, sir. ELLIS: Uncle Philip was a teetotaler, I remember father teased him for toasting with juice. GOODWIN: It must have started after his wife died. VOICE: Your father was weak. ELLIS: What did you just say? GOODWIN: I said he must have turned to the drink after his wife died, sir. Tragedy can change a man. ELLIS: Hm? Yes. I suppose it could. VOICE: Hello? ELLIS: Goodwin, did you hear that? GOODWIN: Hear what, sir? VOICE: Is somebody there? ELLIS: My god, that sounds like Charlotte! GOODWIN: But sir! ELLIS: Cousin? Is that you? VOICE: Can you hear me? ELLIS: Yes, I can hear you, Charlotte! VOICE: I don’t know where I am! ELLIS: Keep calling, cousin, I will find you! VOICE: Who’s there? ELLIS: Why, it’s your cousin! Don’t you recognize my voice? I recognize yours even after - VOICE: Hello? Can you find me? ELLIS: But… hang on, you would be my age now. VOICE: Is somebody there? ELLIS: Ahh! VOICE: Yooou caaan’t fiiiind meeee! ELLIS: Charlotte? Is that you? VOICE: Of course it is! ELLIS: Do you remember me? VOICE: You’re Jonathan! We used to play hide and seek. ELLIS: That’s right. VOICE: But, that was before. ELLIS: Before what, dear cousin? VOICE: [laughter] ELLIS: Oh, where in the blazes is Goodwin? GOODWIN: I fear this trip was a horrible mistake. There is something wicked about this place, and now Mr. Ellis is hearing things… I should wonder if anyone still lives here at all. Or I should wonder how the Ellis family ever made their fortune, the drunks and spendthrifts all snapping their fingers to make the world cater to their every whim. Oh! I do wish we could just leave this wretched place! I’ll take my chances with the creditors over spending another hour in this blasted house, lest we end up like them, wherever they may be. Although… what’s this? Oh, no… poor Jonathan… VOICE: Yooou’ll neeeever fiiiind meeeee! ELLIS: You always hid here, up in the tower, but I didn’t come here to play games. VOICE: But Jonathan loved to play games! VOICE: It seems some things have changed. VOICE: But not for the better! ELLIS: Char- whoever you are, this is not funny! VOICE: Yes it is! VOICE: Why do you think we’re laughing? ELLIS: No… stop… this can’t be happening… GOODWIN: Sir! There you are, we must go! Mr. Ellis! We have to leave! Sir! Jonathan! ELLIS: Oh! Goodwin, thank heavens you’ve found me! I don’t know what’s happening to me! GOODWIN: It’s this place sir, I may not be a superstitious man, but I can’t account for what’s happening here. We need to leave this tower, leave this castle, and never return! ELLIS: But our business… we haven’t even spoken to my dear uncle. GOODWIN: He’s dead, sir! Charlotte too! ELLIS: What? GOODWIN: I found this note, sir. It was the drink that killed him - he took to it after his wife died. One day Charlotte was off playing and he was supposed to look after her… when he came around, he… well she had climbed the tower, and… ELLIS: My god. They’re all dead. But… who have I been talking to? GOODWIN: No one, sir. It’s this place. It’s wrong. It’s infected you, and we have to leave before you end up like all of them. ELLIS: Goodwin? What’s happening to you? GOODWIN: Nothing’s happening to me, sir. ELLIS: No… it’s all wrong… GOODWIN: That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. We need to leave. ELLIS: No… stop… VOICE: It’s him. VOICE: He’s going to kill you. ELLIS: No… VOICE: You have to kill him first. ELLIS: I can’t. GOODWIN: Sir? Is it happening again? Are you alright, sir? ELLIS: Goodwin… you’re changing… GOODWIN: I feel perfectly fine, sir. VOICE: [repeated] Kill him. ELLIS: It is him… GOODWIN: Who is? ELLIS: Goodwin… GOODWIN: Yes, sir! It’s me! It’s Goodwin! ELLIS: I’ll kill you… GOODWIN: What? ELLIS: I said I’ll kill you! This is your fault… GOODWIN: Sir… you’re choking me… ELLIS: You did this to me… GOODWIN: Sir… please… VOICE: Just another drunk and spendthrift snapping his fingers. GOODWIN: What? ELLIS: I said you did this to me! VOICE: My nephew… weak. Like his father. GOODWIN: Weak… like his father… ELLIS: What? GOODWIN: Your father was weak. VOICE: He’s weak. GOODWIN: You’re weak. VOICE: Now kill him. GOODWIN: YARGH!! ELLIS: No! GOODWIN: What have I done? Oh, no… no, Jonathan, I’m sorry. VOICE: You killed him VOICE: Murderer VOICE: He was my friend VOICE: What have you done VOICE: They’ll find you VOICE: They’ll catch you VOICE: You know what to do. Narrator: An evil old house, the kind some people call haunted, is like a cursed treasure. No soul who reaches for it is happy at having grasped it. Goodwin had killed his business partner and friend. He closed the lids over Jonathan’s eyes and looked out over the hills and forests and in the distance he saw the inn. As he stepped to the edge, he was struck by a thought. GOODWIN: I don’t want to do this. Narrator: And the castle had claimed two more. scoob we unmasked the thief of the gold medal! Scooby-Doo, where are you? GameGrooves rejected this demo because our proposed lyrics were unlicensable If you’re doctor robotnik you betta Hide ya ‘lectronics Cause guess who’s coming atcha It’s that blue blur sonic He’s got the plan to make your robots explode, And if you wanna follow it then well then let’s hear how it goes (Step one) find a power ring, protect you from trouble (Step two) get through the water find a damn air bubble (Step three) make it to eggman, it’s time to face him Just jump a bunch upon his head to waste him Repeat the process ‘till the day is saved Free the little woodland creatures that the doc enslaved And if that plan seems just a little simplistic Sing the chorus like Morrison, yeah We Into the Mystic (Chorus) You got your head just skwawkin but your legs just waking You can’t keep up with me But the tombstone’s knockin while the clock’s tik tokkin I’ll give you your kicks for free And if you think my flow amounts to just tough talkin You may be surprised to see That you get a close shave in the mystic cave Riding high in the place to be lemme hear you say Heyyo | Heyo | Heyyo | Heyo Sega! | (Sega jingle) With my mind on those emeralds, emeralds on my mind Quick -- Who that guy With the mono eye He got the twin tailed buddy with control of the sky If by sea or by land On the snow or the sand, you make a Chili dog this dude’ll snatch it outta your hand He’s got that furry fury attitude to match He’s the last guy you’d wanna be Assigned to catch He ain’t no funky spelunky, now don’t you try to pretend He’s just the collector of those emeralds and gems (Chorus) We're doing loop-de-loops, going fast, grabbing hoops Taking out those enemies, rev it up, shoop da woop Hanging on vines like it ain’t no thing Find a secret room, touch a giant ring Now I’m surfing half pipes grabbing chaos emeralds Reloading my save states, feeling quite ephemeral Once I get all of those gems in my pocket I’ll have the baddies popping, they’ll go "bam" like emeril Another day against my ever-present nemesis Rakin in the dollars while I sell your kids a Genesis Cause Sega does what Nintendo don’t I’ll be the franchise to keep your enterprise afloat Until then, guess it’s time to go I got places to be and frankly “you’re too slow!!” Before I jet, since the beat is fine Gather round you party people sing it one last time (Chorus) It's a Monster Party It's a Monster Party Who could ask for more? If you hoped for Oingo Boingo Then you don't know me for sure Snortin' Green Rocks In The 90's NA Miis vs Zombies 1: Kalamizoo Kalamiity ** Intro ** Newscaster: Welcome to the station everybody, we've got a super duper program for you, including news, traffic, weather, and news! Today's top story in Miichigan is out of Detroit and we've got Miiriam on the sce--uh-oh... Hold on one moment Miiriam, we've got breaking news coming to us from right here in Kalamiizoo!, it simply isn't possible! Flesh eating rabid humans....? Oh, no I'm sorry folks, I do apologize for th-... What are you talking about? Do you mean to tell me it''s....ZOMBIES??!! ** Instrumental break ** Newscaster: Welcome back folks and we've got live updates from the situation here. Scientists have said this is a result of virus three four five one eight, ah. It's not looking goo- good, excuse me... I-I don't feel too good... I think we might need to sign ooooofffff- ** Next section ** Narrator: This is Miick. Miick: That's mii! Narrator: He hid... Miick: Yup! Narrator: his zombie outbreak bunker. Incredible that no one else thought to have one. Miick: Haters gonna hate! Narrator: Anyways, he's almost out of food, so he needs to go find a... miil. Miick: Oh my god you're the worst narrator... Narrator: So off he goes out of the safety of his zombie outbreak bunker and into the zombie outbreak... Miick: Here I go! Narrator: ...the only problem is he's kind of useless in a zombie outbreak, which is why he had a zombie outbreak bunker in the first place Miick: Aw c'mon man gimme a break, it's hard building plot devices! ** Instrumental break ** Narrator: Miick managed to make it through the horde into a neighbouring house unscathed. Miick: Hell yeah I did, bitches! Narrator: He finds a few cans of pork and beans in his neighbours' kitchen... Miick: Imma doooooo the things that I wanna do! Narrator: ...and while looking for a can opener, he finds a Nintendo Wii remote. He picks up the Wiimote... Miick: Are you really calling it that? Narrator: ...and it flashes in his hands and emits a light that Wiimotes are not supposed to emit. Miick: Stop calling it that! Narator: He hits a nearby potted plant with it and to his surprise the potted plant disintegrates. Miick: Why is this a weapon? [anon note: Wiimotes are a weapon in the game] Miick: Al-all right, Mick, you've got this buddy... it's just you and... thousands of zombies out there. Y-you can do it! ** Instrumental break ** Miick (alongside a lot of zombie growls): Alright! W-who's first?! Com-come at me! Who wants a piece of mii? Step right up! Okay h-here... Slow down, that's a little fast! *battle grunts* *small break* Miick: Ah bitches, see! I told you! Nothing can stop me! Ha! Haha! *small break* Miick: That's right, wh-what did I tell you, number one zombie killer here! Nooone's got anything on me! That's right, just gonna get through all these zombies and then, uh, I don't know what's next but we're gonna get through all these zombie- Hey, get away! *bite sound* Ow! Oh, no... Ohhh... Oh man, I was doing so good... Oh, I don't feel... I don't feel good... This is probably the end for meeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE- ** THE END ** ... or is it?! Agony In Its Absence Hmmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hm Hm Hmmmmm Hmmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hm Hm Hmmmmm *sigh* I want a cup that overflows with love Although it's not enough to fill my heart I want a barrel full of love Although I know it's not enough to fill my heart I want a river full of love But then, I know the holes will still remain I need an ocean full of love Although I know the holes will still remain {This Title Intentionally Left Blank} Section 1: Leave/Train Ride One single step away, but it’s But it’s too much One single step more than I can take Nothing remains but Rot, blood, and empty promises To her One single breath more to take But my corpse has none left Let these cursed memories find their peace Once I have mine As I (Please let me) leave and rest Section 2: Memory/Die Toteninsel (Emptiness) I was drifting through (in) your dream Drifting out of your memory I’ve given my blood and Kept my faith through this hell strong Yet here my hell was waiting with you With no promise to keep Would you know my name if I told you Could we dance again If I played our song for you My love My stranger To be with you must be enough So please just let me stay with you Just a little while longer Section 3: Promise/The Promise Just give me one moment my darling I know what you’d have me do Just take my hands in yours dear To hide their bloodstains Let me touch you With love one last time Before with death Don’t fret now love, I am here now No more suffering soon No more waiting for your peace You’ve strong enough You’ve been patience enough Let me take it all away Darling tell me just one more (last) time Before I let you rest (go) Close your eyes Rest your head And I’ll keep my promise Section 4: Artifact/Cigarette Wife [English translations in brackets] Entlang der Küste brechen die Wolkenwellen, Die rote Sonne versinkt hinter dem See, Die Schatten werden länger In Penrose. Along the shore the cloud waves break, The red sun sinks behind the lake, The shadows lengthen In Penrose.] Seltsam ist die Nacht, in der schwarze Sterne aufgehen, Und seltsame Monde kreisen durch den Himmel Aber seltsamer ist es immer noch Verlorene Penrose. [Strange is the night where black stars rise, And strange moons circle through the skies But stranger still is Lost Penrose.] Lieder, die die Hyades singen werden, Wo flattern die Fetzen der Königin, Muss ungehört sterben Schwach Penrose [Songs that the Hyades shall sing, Where flap the tatters of the Queen, Must die unheard in Dim Penrose.] Lied meiner Seele, meine Stimme ist tot; Stirb du, unbesungen, wie unvergossene Tränen Soll trocknen und einsterben Verlorene Penrose. [Song of my soul, my voice is dead; Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed Shall dry and die in Lost Penrose.] Cigarette Birb [many birbs] The Monster Smash (Or, Why You Should Never Message Newmajoe With A Song Idea) [Joe:] I was shopping at the grocery Picking up snacks, evilsonic DM’d me It was in all caps, he said [evilsonic:] “WHAT IF WE DID MONSTER MASH, BUT LIKE, SMASH BROS?” [Joe:]I’m like “that’s funny I guess, sure - but how would it go?” …Like, I get the idea, it sounds like it could be fun But after this past September, I had said I was done…” [Evilsonic:] “But Joe,” [Joe:] he said, [Evilsonic:] “don’t worry, this would just be an alt!” [Joe:] So I replied [MUSIC ABRUPTLY STOPS] [spoken] “no man, it’s too much work, and it’s not like it’d be licensable, and I have so much other stuff on my plate this mo–” THEY DID THE MASH!! We did the Monster Mash! THE MONSTER SMASH! But it’s the Monster Smash! THE MONSTER SMASH! Something Something Crystal Flash THE MONSTER MASH! Sure, let’s all Monster Smash! So I said I would participate But only to sing Then I added in a bari cause that’s kinda my thing I spent an afternoon writing lyrics and a title Then sent along for feedback because workshopping is vital! It’s good we aren’t making this song competitive, ‘cause Luigi’s Mansion’s OST is really repetitive And mashing up some VGM with preexisting tunes Is something only the laziest arrangers do THEY DID THE MASH! But not the Monster Smash! THE MONSTER SMASH! No - we’d never make that trash! THE MONSTER SMASH! It caught on, like a rash THE MONSTER MASH! No – it’s the monster smash While we wait for the true genius of this song to hit ya (The greatest spooky groove since Werewolf Bar Mitzvah) I have to give a shout-out to the demons and ghouls Of a musical community called Dwelling of… dweebs I played the demo for Allie She said [ALLIE:] “it could be better I don’t like how all the jokes Are all super meta Monster Mash is like, one of my favorite songs And you totally ruined it” [Joe:] but she’s totally wrong WE DID THE MASH!! We did the Monster Mash! THE MONSTER SMASH! No wait- the Monster Smash! THE MONSTER SMASH! Something Something mustache THE MONSTER MASH! Sure, let’s all Monster Smash! [ThemanPF]: I don’t get it. Wario beWare Who’s the girl next door, livin’ in the haunted mansion? You’d better learn my name ‘cause I am Ashley She knows the darkest spells, and she brews the meanest potions You might be the ingredient I seek Let me tell ya’ don’t let yourself be fooled by her innocent demeanor You should be afraid of the great Ashley She doesn’t play with dolls, and she never combs her hair Who has time for girly things like that? Eye of newt (yeah), I cast a hex on you (oh you’re in for it now) Grandma’s wig (what?), this’ll make you big (watch out) Kitten spit (ooo), soon your pants won’t fit Heeheehee...Pantalones Giganticus! Oh no, not again She could rule the world, and still finish all her homework Ev’ryone knows that I’m the greatest, Ashley You’d better watch your step, or she’ll cast a spell on you I turned my teacher into a spoon I’m a slave to my spellbook, and yes, it’s true I don’t have as many friends as you But I think you’re nice, and maybe we could be friends And if you say “no”, you’re toast Who’s the girl next door, livin’ in the haunted mansion? You’d better learn my name ‘cause I am Ashley Just remember this, when you see her on the street I’m the cruelest girl you’ll ever meet The cruelest girl you’ll ever meet Who Has Time For Tears Blue sky to forever Green grass blows in the wind, dancing It would be a much better sight with you, With me. If you hadn't met me, I'd be fine on my own, baby I never felt so lonely then you came along ---------------------------------------------------------- So now what should I do? I'm strung out addicted to you My body aches now that you're gone My supply fell through ---------------------------------------------------------- You gladly gave me everything that you had and more (you're not here) You craved my happiness, When you made me feel joy it made you smile (you're nor here) But now I feel your stress. Love was never meant to be such a crazy affair, no? (who has time for tears) And who has time for tears? I never thought I'd sit around and cry for your love, 'til now... ---------------------------------------------------------- I feel your stress Who has time for tears? Sɔooqʎ-poo' Mɥǝɹǝ ∀ɹǝ ⅄on¿ Sɔooqʎ pooqʎ poo' ʍɥǝɹǝ ɐɹǝ ʎon¿ Mǝ ƃoʇ soɯǝ ʍoɹʞ ʇo po uoʍ Sɔooqʎ pooqʎ poo' ʍɥǝɹǝ ɐɹǝ ʎon¿ Mǝ uǝǝp soɯǝ ɥǝld ɟɹoɯ ʎon uoʍ Ɔoɯǝ ou Sɔooqʎ poo' I sǝǝ ʎon Ԁɹǝʇǝupᴉuƃ ʎon ƃoʇ ɐ slᴉʌǝɹ qnʇ ʎon,ɹǝ uoʇ ɟoolᴉuƃ ɯǝ' ,ɔɐnsǝ I ɔɐu sǝǝ ┴ɥǝ ʍɐʎ ʎon sɥɐʞǝ ɐup sɥᴉʌǝɹ ⅄on ʞuoʍ ʍǝ ƃoʇ ɐ ɯʎsʇǝɹʎ ʇo solʌǝ So' Sɔooqʎ poo' qǝ ɹǝɐpʎ ɟoɹ ʎonɹ ɐɔʇ pou,ʇ ɥolp qɐɔʞ ∀up' Sɔooqʎ poo' ᴉɟ ʎon ɔoɯǝ ʇɥɹonƃɥ ⅄on,ɹǝ ƃouuɐ ɥɐʌǝ ʎonɹsǝlɟ ɐ Sɔooqʎ Suɐɔʞ ┴ɥɐʇ,s ɐ ɟɐɔʇ Sɔooqʎ pooqʎ poo' ɥǝɹǝ ɐɹǝ ʎon ⅄on,ɹǝ ɹǝɐpʎ ɐup ʎon,ɹǝ ʍᴉllᴉuƃ Iɟ ʍǝ ɔɐu ɔonuʇ ou ʎon' Sɔooqʎ poo I ʞuoʍ ʍǝ,ll ɔɐʇɔɥ ʇɥɐʇ ʌᴉllɐᴉu Pumpkin of Sand I grew a pumpkin full of sand A pharoah's curse upon my land I seek answers from the sky I look him in the eye Last year I fought against typhoons And now my fields are sand dunes I will never ever make My pumpkin pie Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you? We got some work to do now Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you? We need some help from you now Come on Scooby Doo, I see you Pretending you got a sliver But you're not fooling me, 'cause I can see The way you shake and shiver You know we got a mystery to solve So, Scooby Doo, be ready for your act Don't hold back And, Scooby Doo, if you come through You're gonna have yourself a Scooby Snack That's a fact Scooby Dooby Doo, here are you You're ready and you're willing If we can count on you, Scooby Doo I know we'll catch that villain There Are No Angels Here Anymore You lie, silent there before me Your tears, they mean nothing to me The wind howling at the window The love you never gave, I give to you Really don't deserve it But now, there's nothing you can do So sleep in your only memory Of me, my dearest mother Here's a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye It was always you that I despised I don't feel enough for you to cry, oh well Here's a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye So insignificant Sleeping dormant deep inside of me Are you hiding away, lost under the sewers? Maybe flying high in the clouds? Perhaps you're happy without me So many seeds have been sown in the field And who could sprout up so blessedly? If I had died, I would have never felt sad at all You will not hear me say "I'm sorry" Where is the light? Wonder if it's weeping somewhere Here's a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye It was always you that I despised I don't feel enough for you to cry, oh well Here's a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye Here's a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye It was always you that I despised I don't feel enough for you to cry, oh well Here's a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Fear of a Blank Deathcard ## Verse moonlight creeping through the haze sunlight haven’t seen in days lamplight flashing in their eyes s’alright i’m prob’bly gonna die nightmare not asleep, awake despair feel my body shake elsewhere no one looks for me my prayer divine absentee ## Chorus torpid eyes belie the guise don’t surmise there’s someone inside ## Verse haunted by’an early demise not dead i’m just hypnotized sage words barely a disguise to hide there’s no one inside hopeless nothing exciting faithless what’s there to believe graveless no rest for these bones spineless hitherto unknown ## Chorus 2 vapid ways earn ceaseless praise dearth betrays there’s no one inside ## B Verse trapped inside this prison nothing but decay No. Stand up, won’t take it I won’t waste away Ahhh Here they come again and again Your sins find you again and again Ahhh Your Choices wound again and again Again and again and again and again (Again and again and again …) ## Outro I I wanna feel alive I wanna feel the sun I wanna see the sky I I know I’m gonna die But I’m gonna try To live this life ## Chorus Gleaming eyes Lift toward the sky No disguise There’s someone inside Tarnished As darkness comes And the shadows permeate The sky is torn apart Rain falls like blood tears Thundering from the heavens above Celestial shattering Opened wide, the sky makes a mockery Showing me a vision of the unattainable I know that where you’ve gone There will never be a place for me Injustice, injustice Why did you rise above this How can I ever hope to find redemption in this life How can I ever hope to meet the ones I’ve loved beyond Beyond the veil of all the putrid existential lies I choose to deny it Am I truly beyond redemption I try to defy it I must deny the pain I’ve caused Monster, monster I am the monster I am the monster Here in my final days, Devoid of light or hope The cracked sky, still bleeding, radiant shades of hatred I extend my hand To the ones that ostracized me May the sting of regret Forever hold you I hear Your voice in my memory The years have passed My memory Is tarnished now like fallen leaves I close my eyes and bear the pain Of a world that no longer says your name My fallen love Have you gone so far? Can our souls still meet amongst the stars? How can I live? With a monstrous heart Redemption beyond my grasp The end came before the start The deeds of man This selfish need For making weaker beings bleed It never ends yet starts anew Blood coats the earth like morning dew