The Will of One lyrics are the same as the original Cybernetic Skullstorm There's an encoder (Zack) Flash and Destroy Searching Seek and Destroy Sounds of the Secret Subterrane blooppsshhh (x40) oh my god he's an alien!!!!!11!1!11!!! Said the Doc to the Doctor, "Wily!" (a last minute cover of a The Jumpmen classic) Said the doc to the doctor Said the doc to the doctor, "Wily!" Said the doc to the doctor, "Wi-i-ily!" Said the doc to the doctor, "Wi-i-ily!" Doctor Wily Doctor Wily Doctor! Said the doc to the doctor Said the doc to the doctor, "Wily!" Said the doc to the doctor, "Wi-i-ily!" Said the doc to the doctor, "Wi-i-ily!" Doctor Wily Doctor Wily Doctor! Doctor Wily Wily Doctor Wi-i-i-ily Doctor Wily Wily Doctor Wi-i-ily Doctor Wily Wily Doctor Wily Wily Doctor Wily Doctor Wily Wily Doctor Wily Wily Doctor Doctor Wily Doctor Wily Wily Doctor Wi-i-i-ily Doctor Wily Wily Doctor Wi-i-ily Doctor Wily Wily Doctor Wily Wily Doctor Wily Doctor Doctor Doctor Wi-i-ily Doctor Wily Doctor Wily The Doctor Doctor Doctor Wi-i-ily Wily Look out, here comes Mega Man! Consult Your Doctor For Medleys Lasting Longer Than 4 Hours Contact your doctor or seek emergency medical attention if your medley is painful or lasts longer than 4 hours. Leaf Shield may stick to certain types of skin. Is that a Mega Buster in your pants or are you just happy to see me? Sometimes I think I should get it permanently attached but I don't know. Airman_ga_Taosorry_Final_Mix_v9_maybe.mp5_Beta_Mix Well here we go again Back to the same old game we've played through before The disappearing blocks and puzzles got me feeling like a clown I'm never giving up To try and cross the disappearing platforms But I always just keep on falling further down Item-2 would make it easy just to cross The ragings seas of fire but no matter How I try, I just die and die, And I'll never give in, but I just can't win! Can't beat Air Man every time I try to dodge his non-stop air shooters coming my way I get behind, but he's still a step ahead of me and all the sudden gusts of wind will blow me away I try to pause, bug the game out, but it's meaningless against all the air shots making it through So I'll come right back from farming some tanks, and then I'll be right back here later just to try again with you! A Tale from 21XX the reploids are on the wing an unseen humanity lurches toward redundancy. programmed for battle, automatons wage war on our behalf. the murky guise of peace veils naught but weaponized hubris. Our dying star crumbles Our decaying planet fades ruled now by gods misconstructed a virus takes form: Sigma. floating point poison in a binary system. fragmentation infinite, corruption digitized, wrought by intelligence artificial a beam of light explodes and the metal man appears. Its blue armor glistening in the reflected dystopia. algorithms engaged, programs executed, arm cannon raised and charged for double pain. faces flesh and bodies steel, bionic minds grants us life. circuits cold and logic clean, the age of man is at an end. I am reborn, by Doctor Light to slake your //root, great Sigma the reploids are on the wing faces flesh and bodies steel, bionic minds bestow us life. circuits cold and logic clean, our hero's name: Mega Man fading life, a dying dream, corruptible our flesh shall be. metallic fiends, a tide of steel, our champion: Mega Man (champion)