Passion Surfing (Ukulele Edition) Took him to the mall, but it wasn’t far The waves crash beyond the surface of the coastline We stepped outside, and I felt for once free I’m gonna have a good time whatever that may be We’re going passion surfing, passion surfing, down the boulevard I’m going passion surfing, passion surfing, to save my heart Pacific breeze blows on my head A stroll along the beach my thoughts instead Alone, at last, I can destress I left a single message, it said P.S. We’re going passion surfing, passion surfing, down the boulevard I’m going passion surfing, passion surfing, to save my heart Here I am alone at last Here I am alone at last Interview with a Dweller Interviewer: What has motivated you to stay active in Dwelling of Duels? Dweller: Actually, when I came back to Dwelling of Duels, it was partly because I have a daughter, she was born that month in 2022. And I had been making very little music for a very long time, so I said… now I’m going to have very little free time, so I really have to make the most of it. So I started taking it seriously and using my free time for, let’s say, more productive things. I started to force myself a little bit to go back to doing the things I like. So that’s when I came back to Dwelling of Duels, and since the community was so friendly, it made me want to continue participating. And I’ve kept it up in order to practice and improve my production and compositional skills. But I actually participate because I like to keep the music hobby alive. And the community is a lot of fun, specially nowadays that people are writing reviews. Even you started writing them recently. To publish music with a group of people that listens to it and comments on it each month, is a lot of fun. So a feedback loop is generated among the people in the community, which is very rewarding. Interviewer: Very rewarding indeed. And not only that… I understand completely because it’s a very welcoming community. And it’s evident that you’re all having a great time, doing collabs, preparing your entries and surprising each other. I can imagine why you do it. It must be a very rewarding hobby. Dweller: Now everyone guesses my tracks correctly, no matter what I do. Furfing Pikachu Does anyone remember Furfing Pikachu? Or was it all a bad fever dream? It was a fever dream, a mistranslation or was it a true fever dream It was a fever dream Furfing Pikachu Playboy Philosophy All the people everywhere Everybody wants to hear my playboy philosophy 'Cause I look like a star when I'm smokin' my cigar They wanna be just like me It's true, my gold ring is beautiful And everyone wants one Everyone wants to have my style In a club or on the streets, everybody that I meet Wants to learn and play my game And they watch the way I move, from my head to my shoes And all the girls know my name I know in their hearts they wish and dream That they could be like me But if they want to know the truth, it's true That I'm the natural playboy of town And I'm blowin' every mind 'Cause I'm one of a kind And I'm the coolest dancer around The lights are shinin' down on me So everyone can see The natural playboy All the people everywhere Everybody wants to hear my Playboy philosophy 'Cause I look like a star when I'm smokin my cigar They wanna be just like me I know in their hearts they wish and they dream That they could be like me But if they want to know the truth, it's true I'm the natural playboy of town And I'm blowin' every mind 'Cause I'm one of a kind I'm the coolest dancer around The lights are shinin' down on me So everyone can see The natural playboy I'm the natural playboy of town And I'm blowin' every mind 'Cause I'm one of a kind I'm the coolest dancer around The lights are shinin' down on me So everyone can see The natural playboy Pollyanna Reimagined I believe the morning sun always gonna shine again, and I believe a pot of gold waits at every rainbow's end, oh I believe in roses kissed with dew Why shouldn't I believe the same in you? I believe in make-believe, fairy tales and lucky charms, and I believe in promises spoken as you cross your heart, oh I believe in skies forever blue Why shouldn't I believe the same in you? You may say I'm a fool, feelin' the way that I do You can call me Pollyanna, say I'm crazy as a loon I believe in silver linings And that's why I believe in you I believe there'll come a day, maybe it will be tomorrow When the blue bird flies away, all we have to do is follow I believe a dream can still come true Why shouldn't I believe the same in you? You may say I'm a fool, feelin' the way that I do I believe in friends and laughter, and the wonders love can do I believe in songs and magic And that's why I believe in you You may say I'm a fool, feelin' this way about you There's not much I can do I'm gonna be this way my life through 'Cause I still believe in miracles, I swear I've seen a few And the time will surely come when you can see my point of view I believe in second chances And that's why I believe in you Indigo, Inc Just picked out my starter Pokemon My rival always picks the opposite one Grandson of professor - what’s-his-name? Since he’s asking me, it’s something lame! Running into tall grass for a rat Catch a bird or three just like that Never go again into the cave If I see another Zubat, I will rage Bulbasaur to Mew Pets that battle for you (It's Janken with extra steps) Catching Pokemon is what I do Saved my master ball for that Mewtwo Getting all the badges, one by one And stomping all my rivals ‘til I’m done Battling is my only excuse Try avoiding trainers but it’s no use Everyone who sees me wants to play I'm never gonna lose, what do you say? Bulbasaur to Mew Pikachu, I choose you! (Pika Pikachu!) We’re going to the top We’re never gonna stop Straight through the Elite Four And now we'll steal your thunder (Indigo incorporated) Fire, water, 'lectric, grass and bug Fighting, psychic, normal, ghost and poison Ground and flying, dragon, fairy, ice Dark and steel and rock all will suffice Recoil move users I will shun You won't ever see me use Submission Make a hundred fifty-one new friends And send Team Rocket blasting off again! Bulbasaur to Mew It's Red versus Blue (Indigo Incorporated) A Stranger I Remain I've come here from nowhere Across the unforgiving sea Drifting further and further, it's all becoming clear to me The violent winds are upon us and I can't sleep Internal temperatures rising and all the voices won't recede I've finally found what I was looking for A place where I can be without remorse Because I am a stranger who has found an even stranger war I've finally found what I was looking for Here I come (come, come, come, come, cum, come, come) I’ve come now with purpose As the piled bodies rise Clarity only comes once these bloody showers wash clear my eyes Invoke the name of The One Who Knows the World's Cries Internal convictions burning in my breast ‘til day I die In them I've found what I was looking for A place where I can be without remorse Because I am a stranger who has found an even stranger war I've finally found what I was looking for Here I come I sharpen the knife and look down upon the bay For all of my life, a stranger I remain A stranger I remain A stranger I remain La chaleur me dérange [Translation: The heat bothers me] Mais c'est le grincement du bateau qui m'a réveillée [Translation: But it’s the creaking of the boat that woke me] Because I am a stranger who has found an even stranger war I've finally found what I was looking for A place where I can be without remorse Because I am a stranger who has found an even stranger war I've finally found what I was looking for Without a cause, a stranger within Long for the chill of cold mistral winds Now a cause, a stranger without Embraced by the frigid mistral winds GUARDIA BOSS RUSH *LAVOS SCREAM* This Is My Cover of Hotel Dusk Hotel Dusk This is my cover of Hotel Dusk I've never played this game, Hotel Dusk I didn't know its name, Hotel Dusk Hotel Dusk I don't own a DS, Hotel Dusk I'll never play this game, Hotel Dusk I think it's kinda sus, Hotel Dusk Hotel Dusk Burial at Sea Living an echoed life Below the cold sea Here I remain Inundated Steel or skin, wire or vein Oil or blood, what am I? Know or told, thought or code Soul or spark, what is I? Cold and still, hollowed shell This prison of my mind Lost and confused, nebulous Nothing left for me to find Lucid dreams, what I used to be When I was still me Memories lie to me Abstracting identity (Surrogation) Deep in the sea Drowned and empty Living lifeless Atrophy I could still be within me While I'm alive I may still see who I'll be While I'm breathing A cry weathering the ache of this Anguished emptiness, here I lie Privileged being wasted Someone help me find myself A machine in a ghost Vestige of what I'd been Buried 'neath the waves Water rushing in Deep in the sea Drowned and empty Living lifeless Atrophied Beneath the sea Dead but conceived Lifeless life left Inundated