Cassandra-G Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier, "rah" This Is My Cover of 'This Is My Cover of Hotel Dusk' Other Ian This is my cover of Other Ian No, not Ian Cowell, the other Ian No, not Ian Luckey, the other Ian Don't make me spell it out Sorry that I don't have a good mic No, not 'Mike' like evilsonic Mike M-I-C, it's short for 'microphone' Other mike. (Mike is a good Mike though) Are there any other Ians I should know about? Or Mikes? Interview with a Dweller: MAGFest, a dream come true (ENG) Interviewer: Speaking of MAGFest… for you, the opportunity to participate came in 2023. What can you tell us about this experience, without taking another two hours off the podcast? Dweller: Difficult! Actually, everything was fitting in place. In 2022, I had a job doing video game music for a local studio. Long story short, I got laid off along 80% of their employees, overnight. Then we got severance pay one day, and that same day MAGFest announced it would be celebrating its 20th anniversary. And I was like, “I cannot wait another decade, I need to go”. So I bought my tickets without giving it a second thought. My plan was to go as an attendee, but around that time, they also published the call for their side stages, and I applied to the Jamspace. And by the time we were celebrating our 10th anniversary, they approved our application. I was so happy I was literally jumping for joy. It was a big surprise, but it was also the result of working very hard, by constantly making music, releasing stuff and being active online. Interviewer: By getting involved with the community. Dweller: Of course! That’s the only way, because that’s how the MAGFest team said: “we’ve listened to your music”. I was absolutely happy to be one of the attendees that goes to MAGFest to see their heroes play, and to see other musician friends. And to say: “We’re all here, we’ve know each other and collaborated online but we’re finally here, celebrating. Because we’re all passionate about the same stuff: video game music. I was absolutely broke after the trip, but I didn’t care at all, I had a great time. MAGFest is the only convention that I feel sad about when it ends. When Sunday comes and you need to leave, the post-MAGFest depression as they call it, is totally real! It was a wonderful experience. Night Springs Space invader, looking cute in a human suit Secret agents with the down-down rays they shoot Psychic powers, hypno eyes and magic fruit Trees, machines, weird mysteries We got freaky fantasies In Night Springs, psycho killer on the run In Night Springs, I don the black hole sun 'Cause in Night Springs, we're just looking for the thrill All your nightmares come true Crashing through the warning signs, your car breaks down just outside In Night Springs Endless versions of this town, Buck hold off the Elder God Live inside a sleepless dream, better let her sleep in Night Springs If I died in your arms, I don't mind it I'd haunt you when you like it In Night Springs, caught in an endless time loop In Night Springs, a solar system in your soup 'Cause in Night Springs, we're just looking for the thrill All your nightmares come true Lost in mist for days and days, now you see the sunny seas Night Springs We are all in danger In Night Springs, caught in an endless time loop In Night Springs, a solar system in your soup 'Cause in Night Springs, we're just looking for the thrill All your nightmares come true Lost in mist for days and days, now you see the sign, it says Night Springs I just got this thing so I had to do this (in one take with no practice) *OTAMATONE NOISES* I was about to say I'm sorry for doing this to everyone in the listening party, but we all know I'm not *OTAMATONE NOISES RECOMMENCE* Visions of a Distant Day N/A Some Like It Hot Well I need something to soothe this pain, to cool the lava you pump through my veins, 'cause I'm burning—I'm burning up for you. And I need something to quench this fire, before it becomes a funeral pyre. Yeah, I'm burning with yearning so much for you. You struck the sparks, you fanned the flames in me. And now my heart's a blazing ruin. You say that you were only fooling. Your love's a drug I have to drop. It hurts me so much, but I just can't stop. I can't stop burning—I'm yearning so much for you. You struck the sparks, you fired the flames in me And now my heart's a blazing ruin. You say that you were only fooling. Don't walk away, don't do me wrong. Don't leave me this way singing this torched song. Don't leave me burning. I'm burning up for you. Yeah, I'm burning... I'm burning up for you. Laser Eyes (demo) I am an old woman, I'm yesterday's news. I dream in black and white, See it all through laser eyes. I am an old woman, I was born to sing the blues. I dream in black and white, See it all through laser eyes. Ooh... Before I go, before I go, I'll see it all through laser eyes. I'll see it all through laser eyes. I'll see it all through laser eyes. I'll see it all through laser eyes. Can't Help It If You Don't Understand It I'm in love with an ostrich All the neighbors complaining, you see But she loves me Can't help it if they don't understand it It's fun to be in love with an ostrich And if you haven't tried it Don't deny it, my friend 'Cause it's so much fun To go out in the sun Forget the rest of the world With your head in the sand This is for You, Vorazio! We play through Professor Layton & the Curious Village - The Adventure Begins. A rather simple song that invites mystery, wonder, and whimsy. Upon completing it I (Rocket Knight - RK) starts to play a completely different song much to the chagrin of Vorazio (V). RK - Starts playing Chocobo’s Theme from Final Fantasy. V cuts him off after a few notes. V - Whoa whoa whoa. Hang on there RK. What song is that? RK - Oh, that was from Chocobo Mystery Dungeon. You know, since it’s a mystery and everything? V - Right but mash up month was last month. And Chocobo Mystery Dungeon isn’t even an actual mystery. RK - Oh. V - Yeah. Alright, so let’s take it from the top. We both start playing but a few bars in RK starts to play the boss battle theme from FFVI and V stops him after several notes. V - Whoa stop right there! V becomes more annoyed with what is going on. RK - What? V - What game is that from? RK - … V - What. GAME. Is that from? RK - …Final… V - … RK - Fantasy V - Oh come on! That’s not even a mystery! And this is not supposed to be a mash up! RK - I know but Final Fantasy has such good music. V - (More visibility angered and frustrated) Look no more Final Fantasy. Let’s just play through this song and get it done. RK - Okay. RK and V start to play through the original song a third time and after several notes, RK plays part of One Winged Angel. V gets pissed off, removes the guitar and headphones off. The clatter of equipment being dropped and things being kicked can be heard. V’s footsteps, more like stomps, can be heard while he grumbles something under his breath just before slamming the door. The “SEPHIROTH” chorus stinger plays once last time and the skit ends. Omnia in Dubium Voca Fīat iūstitia ruat cælum (Let justice be done though the heavens fall) Miss of Misdemeanor Whispered: Catch me if you can. Verse 1: A thousand capers, a million plots They’ll connect the dots But I won’t get caught They’re tapping my phone thinking I am a fool They’ll hear what I choose I’ll dole out some clues Bridge: I’m in Timbuktu, Then Waterloo Kalamazoo Heck even the Moon I’ll keep running and they’ll keep asking Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Spoken: I’d bet you’d like to know Chorus: Say that I’m V.I.L.E. Call me a thief Call up The Chief Is it really such a crime to test young minds? Verse 2: A thousand heists and a million schemes Education’s my game You’re the pawns, I’m the queen Fillin’ my briefcase with their timeless art Iconic landmarks I've got a head start Bridge: History, writing, Arithmetic, Make learning a game, And you know it will stick I know it’s stunning but they’re still asking Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Spoken: Like I’d tell you Chorus: Say that I’m V.I.L.E. Call me a thief Call up The Chief Is it really such a crime to test young minds? Verse 3: Through geography, hist’ry Through space and through time If knowledge is crime, I'll put it all on the line If you want to catch me, you'll have to get smart Cuz I'm stealing minds Got no use for hearts Bridge: And for my crimes There’ll be no recompense My only victim Is the world’s ignorance You know I’m cunning. I’ll keep them asking. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Spoken: How come it’s never, “How are you, Carmen Sandiego?” Chorus: You know I’m not V.I.L.E. Yeah sure, I’m a thief But guess what Chief My longest con: Catch me and I’ve won! Spoken: You're becoming quite a good detective, Detective, but no one can catch Carmen Sandiego. First Death of the Heart [Excerpts from "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"] "I had a really nice time last night." "...nice?" "I had the best fucking night of my entire fucking life." "I still thought you were gonna save my life, even after that, it would be different, if we could just give it another go-round." "Is there something wrong with a girl being attracted to me, is that a problem?" "I can't remember anything without you." "That's very sweet but try." "Alright Joel, look man seriously, here's the deal." "Rob, don't do that, Rob what are you doing?" "Well what's your fucking suggestion?" "What a loss to spend that much time with someone, only to find out that she's a stranger." "...what if you stayed this time?" "I walked out the door, there's no memory left." "...she's there with this guy, and she looks at me like she doesn't even know who I am." Punitive numbers and measures All that push me on Pain, duty, rejection And all my unpaid bills Warm primordial blackness (Ferments your consciousness) Now it's finally done (In your insignificance) Only myself to hear (First death is in the heart) Here is love for a face End to my pain and struggle (Here there are no ex-wives) The disco ball slows (Your act is wearing thin) But through the indignity and bloat (The machine is firing up again) My will to overcome Dust myself off and proceed (Dust yourself off and proceed) Turn my radio back in (Turn your radio back in) I'll do this sober and beautiful (You'll do this sober and beautiful) This will be a victory For the light "I could die right now Clem, I'm just happy, I never felt that before"